‘90210’s’ Dustin Milligan Could Have Been ‘Twilight’s’ Edward Cullen – If Only He Was British

Dustin Milligan, who is best known for his role as Ethan on “90210,” auditioned for the role of “Twilight’s” Edward Cullen – but the actor says geography was working against him.

“I did my best Edward Cullen,” Dustin told AccessHollywood.com’s Laura “Dish Of Salt” Saltman at the junket for his new movie, “Extract,” on Tuesday.

“But unfortunately, I didn’t have a British accent,” he joked. “So, I didn’t get the job!”

Though the Edward character doesn’t have an accent in the “Twilight” movie, according to Dustin, Robert Pattinson’s popularity has been helped by his voice.

“It’s like, boom!” Dustin said, describing how people react when hearing Robert’s British accent. “Ladies love that. Melt!”

Though Dustin didn’t get to bare his fangs – or sink them into Bella, he has had the opportunity of working with “Twilight” star Kristen Stewart in “The Messengers” and “In the Land Of Women,” both in 2007.

“Kristen was actually a remarkable young woman. I met her when she was 15. And she at times would be acting like she was a 15-year-old and for most of the time behaving like a 40-year-old,” he said. “She’s really really smart, very self-assured, she knows how she is.”

And Dustin doesn’t see Kristen’s success limited to just vampire movies.

“She’s a really strong actress and I think she’s going to do really well,” he continued. ‘‘Twilight’ is one thing, but she’s got potential to do anything.”

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