Kim Kardashian Talks Family Role: I’m ‘The Responsible One’

While she may have skyrocketed to fame due to her own personal private scandal, Kim Kardashian considers herself to be the most levelheaded sibling of the Kardashian clan.

“From a young age, my dad made it very clear that, ‘OK, you’re the responsible one and you have to watch your [older sister Kourtney],” the reality star told Jay Leno on “The Tonight Show” on Tuesday. “[He] taught me how to drive when I was 14 in case my sister or her friends were going to be drinking and I always had permission to drive.”

The brunette bombshell believes having a close-knit family has helped her avoid the common pitfalls of young Hollywood.

“I’ve never been a drinker, I’ve never gotten into drugs,” she said. “I have such a close family… I think you know my sisters do enough drinking to kind of fill up the whole family.”

Kim revealed that though she “hates the taste of alcohol,” she does feel free to indulge in a cocktail or two now that she’s older.

“I said at 30 I’m gonna at least have a drink to lighten-up ‘cause my sisters say I’m so boring,” Kim laughed. “So I tried a White Russian a few months ago — tastes like chocolate milk and it’s kind of amazing… but I’m 30 so it’s OK.”

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