Adam Driver Reacts To Chris Wallace Saying He Doesn’t ‘Look Like The Typical Movie Star’

Adam Driver is taking the high road. The “Ferrari” star, 40, received praise on social media for how he responded to questions about his appearance during a recent interview. Driver guested on a new episode of “Who’s Talking To Chris Wallace,” where the CNN anchor asked the Oscar nominee how he felt about having what he referred to as an unconventional look and whether it’s “been a help or a hindrance” in his career. “I’ve worked consistently which is nice, with people that I’ve wanted to always, dreamed that I wanted to work with. So in that sense, it hasn’t — I look how I look, I can’t change that. So I guess it helped me,” he explained, after Wallace noted that he doesn’t “look like the typical movie star.” Driver shared humble gratitude about being considered a successor to Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino, and shared his practical mindset when Wallace went on to suggest Robert Redford as an example of a traditionally handsome Hollywood star. “Maybe I’m trying to be diplomatic. And I guess if I was alone in a room, I’m like, who doesn’t want to look like Robert Redford?” Driver said. “But I just kind of accept it. This is how I look.” Some fans found Wallace’s approach insensitive, especially since many have considered Driver a heartthrob since his breakout role on “Girls,” but the actor took the conversation in stride and even inserted a bit of self-deprecating humor. “A hindrance in only breaking mirrors wherever I go and having a misshapen outsized body that I can’t fit through doorways, or most clothes or fit into most cars,” he joked. “Apart from that, it’s good.”