Billionaire Larry Connor To Take $20M Submarine To Titanic Shipwreck Site After OceanGate Implosion

Nearly one year after the OceanGate Titan submersible disaster, a businessman has his sights set on exploring the Titanic shipwreck site. Billionaire real estate investor, Larry Connor, is planning an underwater voyage to the same wreckage site where a submersible imploded and killed five people on board over a year ago. The 74-year-old spoke to The Wall Street Journal magazine about his upcoming trip and explained that following the OceanGate tragedy he contacted the co-founder of Triton Submarines, Patrick Lahey, and asked him to build a submarine that could safely travel to the Titanic site. Connor talked about his goal in his interview with the Journal, saying that this voyage is to prove the ocean exploration industry is still safe and reputable one year after the OceanGate sub imploded. It is to “show people worldwide that while the ocean is extremely powerful, it can be wonderful and enjoyable and really kind of life-changing if you go about it the right way.” A date for the voyage hasn’t been confirmed but Larry and Patrick will be the only two people on board the two-person vessel. It has a $20 million price tag and can reportedly dive as deep as 4,000 meters, 200 more meters than the depth of the Titanic wreck.