Dwayne Johnson Surprises UFC Fighter With New Home After Finding Out He Has $7 In His Bank Account

Dwayne Johnson gifted an up-and-coming UFC fighter a new home in Miami for him and his family. The 51-year-old WWE icon took to his Instagram on Thursday to share the moment he welcomed Themba Gorimbo to his new house. “Now there’s no more couch sleeping, this is your house. Welcome home,” Dwayne told Themba. The 32-year-old UFC welterweight fighter, who is from Zimbabwe, came onto The Rock’s radar in June when ESPN shared how he only had $7.49 in his bank account and was sleeping on his gym’s couch. The story revealed that Themba had sold gear and used most of his UFC earnings to send money home to his village in Zimbabwe so he could help them buy a well for safe drinking water. When surprising Themba in person, Dwayne told him how inspired he was and how much he could relate to his struggle. “Your story moved me. When I found out you had $7 in your bank account, I know what that’s like. I was here in Miami when I had $7,” the movie superstar said.