Glen Powell Says Tom Cruise Pranked Him By Pretending to Lose Control Of Helicopter After ‘Top Gun’ Reshoot

Glen Powell is revealing a terrifying prank Tom Cruise played on him as he piloted a helicopter the pair were in. The 35-year-old actor spoke with British GQ in which he shared memories of his now-good friend and “Top Gun: Maverick” co-star, including one where he thought the two would die as Cruise pretended, as a joke, that the two were about to go down while flying them in his helicopter to London after reshoots for the blockbuster hit. “Tom goes ‘oh no, oh no,’ and he starts dropping the helicopter over London,” the “Hit Man” star told the outlet, before adding, “I was like, ‘Am I about to be the unnamed guy that dies with Tom in a smoking hole in the middle of London?’”