Dear future female co-stars of Jeremy Renner — the actor does not have your back when it
comes to your salary.
Unlike his “American
Hustle” co-star Bradley Cooper – who has publicly declared he
will disclose his salary to his female co-stars in order to help with equal pay
– Renner doesn’t want to be involved.
the Sony email hack, it was revealed that Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams made significantly
less than their male co-stars, Cooper and Renner.
READ: Jeremy Renner Explains Black Widow Slut Comment, Calls Her A Slut Again
not my job,” the actor told Business Insider when asked if he would negotiate
alongside his female counterparts.
don’t know contracts and money and all that sort of stuff,” the actor continued, saying he fully supports
equal pay.
READ: Jeremy Renner & Estranged Wife Settle Custody Dispute
According to the “Avengers”
actor, his strengths lie with his on-screen craft.
a performer and I know human behavior. When it comes to that sort of stuff I
let other people deal with that,” the two-time Oscar nominee said. “I
do what I’m good at, that’s what I focus on.”
The actor reportedly also
told Reuters, “Usually you
don’t talk about the financial stuff, you have people.”
— Jesse Spero
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