Meghan Markle Reveals How Prince Harry Helped During Her ‘Worst Point’

Meghan Markle is getting honest about being called “crazy” and how her husband helped her during a low point in her life.

In the fifth episode of the Duchess of Sussex’s hit podcast “Archetypes,” Meghan drives deep decoding the word crazy alongside Constance Wu, Jenny Slate and Deepika Padukone.

“Raise your hand if you’ve ever been called crazy or hysterical, or what about nuts, Insane, out of your mind, completely irrational? Okay, you get the point … I think it would be pretty easy to see just how many of us have our hands up? By the way, me too,” she shared.

During the candid chat, Meghan revealed how her husband Prince Harry helped her and her mental health during her “worst point.”

(Photo by Rosa Woods – Pool/Getty Images)

“I mean, I think at my worst point, being finally connected to someone that, you know, my husband had found a referral for me to call. And I called this woman,” Meghan shared. “She didn’t know I was even calling her. And she was checking out at the grocery store. I could hear the little beep, beep, and I was like, ‘Hi,’ and I’m introducing myself and that you can literally you’re going, wait, sorry. I’m just. Who is this? Um, and saying I need help. And she could hear the dire state that I was in.”

Adding, “But I think it’s for all of us to be really honest about what it is that you need and to not be afraid to make peace with that, to ask for it.”

You can check out the full episode here available now, only on Spotify.

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