Rosie Responds To DeLay, Reignites Trump Feud

NEW YORK (April 16, 2007) — Rosie O?Donnell sparked up her long running feud with businessman Donald Trump earlier this morning on ?The View? after hitting back at a vocal Republican who called for her firing.

The ladies ? Joy Behar, Barbara Walters, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and O?Donnell were discussing the continued controversy over the racial remarks and firings of Don Imus last week. During the discussion Rosie brought up a blog post byformer Republican Congressman Tom DeLay who called on ABC to fire her in the wake of Imus.

?He says it was a misfired joke, and he has apologized, several times, and seems genuinely sorry for letting such a joke cross his lips,? DeLay wrote in defense of the radio jock. ?But that?s not enough ? the Left, true to form, wants him publicly and professionally destroyed.

“Where are the repercussions for Rosie O?Donnell?s hateful, idiotic accusations that President Bush was behind the 9/11 attacks? And her ignorant parody of the Chinese language? ? he continued. ?What the Left is doing is not a fluke ? it?s a concerted strategy. And it works. So if you can?t beat ?em, join ?em. That?s why I am calling on conservatives to use the available media (radio talk shows, blogs, letters to the editor) to protest and demand that Rosie O?Donnell be kicked off ?The View.??

O?Donnell hit back at his posting with the first few minutes of the show.

?I think we?re in dangerous territory when people like Tom DeLay, a man of high moral standards,? she said, the latter part tongue-in-cheek ?wants me to be fired for my political opinions. That?s a dangerous state of affairs in democracy [that] if you have a discenting opinion that you are somehow a threat to the country or the world.?

Rosie then began a re-explanation of the Asian offending incident DeLay referred to. Last year, O?Donnell parodied a Chinese news reader reporting on Danny DeVito?s allgeded drunk appearance on ?The View,? by using the words ?ching chong, ching chong chong. ?

?The point of the joke was the absurdity of a drunk actor making the international news in other countries. Calling someone descriptions? Imus didn?t make a joke,? she said. ?That was name calling. It was like [what] Donald Trump did.?

O?Donnell then appeared to reignite her long running media war of words with the businessman, hitting out at his comments of last fall and early this year.

?I made fun of his hair, but then I stated the facts and opinions,? she said. ?He says he was never personally bankrupt, that his company had declared bankruptcy with his name on it, but he was never personally bankrupt, but he responded not with jokes, but she?s a fat, degenerate, stupid woman.?

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